The 72,000 people in SEIU 503 work hard everyday and through their union have better pay, better benefits, and better workplace conditions than non-union workplaces. Learn more about what it means to be union strong.
Together in union

Engaged Membership
Our power to win comes first and foremost from thousands of workers joining our union and becoming dues-paying members. Our elected union leaders have power because management and politicians know they are speaking for tens of thousands of members across the state. Additionally, having leaders and engaged members in worksites allows us to mobilize workers around issues we care about – including protecting and improving our benefits.
Bargaining Strength
A good contract means better wages and benefits, the freedom to take off time when you’re sick or caring for a family member, and the security of knowing you’ll be treated fairly at work. While there are limits to what benefits we can bargain over, it is critical that we use the process to make gains in every contract cycle. . We have strength at the bargaining table when all members are engaged in the process, and willing to step up and take action to support each other.

Powerful Political Program
In 2017 over 40 bills attacking benefits were introduced in the legislature. All of them were defeated because of the work we did in 2016 to elect pro-worker legislators. That’s why it’s so important for members to contribute to our political action fund, CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education). In the coming years, our union must continue to fight for revenue reform in order to fund the vital services we provide the state – both because it’s the right thing to do, and because we can’t allow the opposition to cut our wages and benefits. If you’d like to make a contribution to CAPE, click here.
What are your benefits worth?
SEIU has created a calculator just for you so you can plan for your retirement or learn how much you’ll have when you leave public service.
Do the math133,000
PEBB members across the state. SEIU helped create PEBB to keep costs down for members.
That’s how much less PEBB health care costs members compared to other employers, thanks to SEIU.
Percent less health care costs are growing compared to the private sector, thanks to the work of SEIU.
Number of people with secure retirements thanks to PERS.
Less than $5000
That’s how much about a third of American adults have saved for retirement. Thanks to SEIU and PERS, we have financial security for the future.
The amount of final average salary that most members receive for life through the pension and the IAP.
Why people choose SEIU
For XX years, SEIU members have come together for better wages, benefits, workplace conditions and a better future for their families. Here’s why.
01. Better wages
We fight to ensure our wages keep up with the cost of living.
02. Better health care benefits
SEIU members have protected full coverage for themselves and their families with lower out of pocket costs.
03. Better retirement
We have pensions that will pay a set amount of money every month until we die thanks to the union fighting for us.
04. Workplace protection
SEIU ensures you get the step increases you’ve earned and someone has your back should you be wrongfully accused.
05. A contract is a contract
With our union, we have legal protections for our pay, our benefits, and how we are treated by our bosses.
We are an organization of more than 72,000 people who, by joining together, are achieving what we cannot accomplish alone. By standing together, we have a voice in our contracts and our daily work lives.
We provide valuable services to our communities, doing more than 500 different jobs in 85 state, local government and non-profit agencies and care facilities. The services we provide include helping Deaf people get access to education, testing new drivers, collecting revenue, helping veterans, assisting at-risk youth, repairing bridges, maintaining Oregon’s parks and caring for children, seniors, and people with disabilities — just to name a few.
The work we do touches the lives of every single Oregonian. We are proud to stand together for the quality services we provide for our communities and families.

State Workers
Over 22,000 state workers join together in SEIU 503 to make Oregon a better place to live and work. SEIU 503 members are DHS workers who provide direct services to over one million Oregonians each year, ODOT workers who put in the long hours to ensure safe roads and infrastructure, Parks workers who keep our state parks beautiful and accessible, and much more.

Higher Education Workers
Library Technicians, Systems Analysts, Food Service Staff, Custodial Staff, Office Specialists… This is just a small sampling of the roles that SEIU 503 Higher Ed members play on seven campuses across the state (PSU, OSU, WOU, UO, SOU, EOU and Oregon Tech). Also known as “classified staff,” SEIU 503 members keep Oregon a great place to learn: Oregon’s public universities work because we do.

Local Government
SEIU members in local government play an essential role in their communities. Our cities and counties employ mental health professionals, county assessors, road crews, transition specialists, victim advocates, courthouse staff, public transportation, and more. SEIU 503 members make our local governments work.

Care Providers
SEIU 503 members provide the entire spectrum of care in Oregon, from children to seniors, and for people with physical and developmental disabilities. As homecare and personal support workers, family child care providers, and adult foster and nursing home workers, we share a goal of providing services that make Oregon a better place to live. We work together to improve the lives of SEIU 503 members and their consumers, and help build an Oregon where access to care and support is a top priority. Our strength as a care provider union has resulted in some of the strongest worker contracts in the nation, enacting improvements that strengthen the program for ourselves and the families we support.

Non Profit
Nearly 1000 SEIU 503 members work in publicly funded private non-profit organizations throughout the state, all dedicated to the improving quality of life in their own unique way. Members at Oregon Supported Living Program (OSLP) provide supported living services to people with developmental disabilities. Members at the Cascade AIDS Project support and empower people who are living with or affected by HIV. Our non-profit members work in everything from recovery assistance (CODA) and child care (the Parry Center) to broadcasting (OPB) and experimental education research and development (Northwest Regional Education Laboratory).
Get involved
None of this work happens without a strong and engaged membership. If healthcare and retirement matter to you, and you’d like to be a part of how these benefits are designed and implemented, please reach out to your steward or union organizer. Get plugged in today.
What are your benefits worth?
SEIU has created a calculator just for you so you can plan for your retirement or learn how much you’ll have when you leave public service.
Do the mathA strong union means better benefits and wages. Join SEIU today.
SEIU 503 Membership signup and Recommit form
You have reached an archived version of the SEIU 503 Membership form. To join SEIU Local 503, please use the new form here: