Healthcare benefits explained
We have some of the best benefits in the state. Here’s plain language info to help make the right choices for your health and wallet.
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Retirement benefits explained
Here’s the PERS breakdown and everything you need to know to plan for a secure future, including a personalized calculator.
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Union member advantages
Explore the Member Advantage discounts, insurance and scholarships offered by SEIU 503 to members.
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Better health, better care, lower costs
On the PEBB board, SEIU members are able to influence the conversation around preventing rollbacks and minimizing costs. We’re able to push the board into viewing healthcare and retirement as a more holistic approach to wellness rather than a commodity that’s offered as terms of employment. And with PEBB providing high quality health plans and other benefits for approximately 140,000 Oregonians, our union is leading the way towards a healthier state for all.
Shaun Parkman
Oregon Health Authority
SEIU helps us get a part of the American dream.
Millennials worry that they will have to work for the rest of their lives, or maybe be able to retire when they are 80. With SEIU, retirement at a reasonable age is something within reach. That’s the American dream.
Austin Folnagy
Employment Department
Secure retirement
I am part of a generation that can’t count on social security income being there when I retire. So I am relying on PERS for a retirement income that I can actually survive on.
Tifini Linford
Department of Human Services
Retirement benefits calculator
Bringing your pension and Individual Account Program (IAP) together. This is where you can find out what your total retirement package could be. You put in the information and the calculator will do the rest.
What your IAP account will be worth.
What your pension will be worth.
Your total retirement package.
How much you will get if you work longer or less.
A strong union means better benefits and wages. Join SEIU today.
SEIU 503 Membership signup and Recommit form
You have reached an archived version of the SEIU 503 Membership form. To join SEIU Local 503, please use the new form here: seiu503signup.org